3.1 |
Early Help |
3.1.1 |
Early Help Assessment (EHA) |
3.1.2 |
Thresholds of Need |
Updated |
3.1.3 |
Recognising Abuse and Neglect |
Updated |
See also: Early Intervention: Policy and Provision (House of Commons Library) |
3.2 |
Referral, Investigation and Assessment |
Referrals |
New |
Bedford Single Assessment |
Central Bedfordshire Child and Family Assessments |
Luton Protocol for Single Assessments in Children's Social Care |
Referrals from Family, Friends and Neighbours Briefing |
3.2.1 |
Assessment of a Parent/Carer as the Protective Parent |
3.2.2 |
Child Protection Enquiries - Section 47 Children Act 1989 |
Updated |
See also:
3.2.3 |
Child Protection Conferences |
Updated |
3.2.4 |
Child Protection Plans and Core Groups |
3.2.5 |
Action to be taken where a Child is Suffering or Likely to Suffer Significant Harm |
3.2.6 |
Children and Families Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries |
Updated |
See also: Practitioner Briefing - Children and Families Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries |
New |
3.2.7 |
Child Protection Medical Assessments |
See also: Request for Child Protection Medical Assessment Form |
3.2.8 |
Organised and Complex Abuse |
3.2.9 |
Non-Recent Abuse Allegations |
Updated |
3.2.10 |
No Access Visits to Children and Young People |
3.3 |
People Posing a Risk to Children |
3.3.1 |
People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure |
3.3.2 |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People |
3.4 |
Children in Specific Circumstances |
3.4.1 |
Private Fostering Policy |
3.4.2 |
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children: East of England Protocol |
3.4.3 |
Children Missing from Education |
Updated |
3.4.4 |
Perplexing Presentations & Fabricated and Induced Illness / Disorders in Children |
3.4.5 |
Safeguarding Children in Faith Settings |
3.4.6 |
Visits to Prisons by Children |
3.4.7 |
Pre-Birth Assessment Procedures |
3.4.8 |
RSPCA, Social Care and Police Referral Protocol |
3.4.9 |
Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children |
Updated |
3.4.10 |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Children 0-18 years |
3.4.11 |
Children Subject to Section 47 Enquires and Child Protection Plans when Travelling Abroad |
3.4.12 |
Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour |
3.4.13 |
Bullying |
3.4.14 |
Working with Interpreters and Others with Special Communication Skills |
3.4.15 |
Visits to Psychiatric Wards and Facilities |
3.4.16 |
Guidance on Children Not Brought to Appointments |
See also: Children Not Brought to Appointments Briefing |
3.4.17 |
Concealed, Late and/or Denied Pregnancy |
3.4.18 |
Young Carers and Young Adult Carers |
Updated |
3.4.19 |
Protocol for the Multi-Agency Response to Complex Case Presentations at Acute Hospitals |
3.4.20 |
Teenage Pregnancy Pathways |
3.4.21 |
Pan Beds Children who Misuse Substances |
3.4.22 |
Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance and One Page Summary |
3.4.23 |
Transitional Safeguarding |
See also: Transitions Principles Briefing. |
3.4.24 |
Children and Young People aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Please see:
3.4.25 |
Disabled Children |
3.4.26 |
Legal Literacy Practitioner Briefing |
3.4.27 |
Becoming Culturally Competent - Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families |
3.4.28 |
Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children at School |
3.2.29 |
Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (APVA) |
Child and Adult Violence Briefing |
3.5 |
Neglect |
See: Neglect Briefings Collection |
3.5.1 |
Multi-Agency Practice Guidance for Recognising and Responding to Cases of Child Neglect |
3.5.2 |
Safeguarding Adults with Hoarding Behaviours Guidance for Practitioners and Managers |
3.5.3 |
Pan Bedfordshire Stop and Review Meetings Guidance |
See also: Bedford Borough Council Complex Case Discussions |
3.5.4 |
Pan Bedfordshire Lead Practitioner Role |
See also:
3.5.5 |
Principles Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Practitioner Briefing |
3.5.6 |
Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Briefing |
3.5.7 |
Obesity |
New |
3.5.8 |
Managing Concerns about Children and Young People where there are Medical and/or Complex Health Issues and Escalating Safeguarding Concerns |
New |
3.5.9 |
Child Neglect Obesity Briefing |
3.5.10 |
Neglect and Children with a Disability - Briefing |
3.5.11 |
Neglect and Working with Large Families - Briefing |
3.5.12 |
Child Neglect Practitioner Briefing |
3.5.13 |
Oral Health and Neglect Practitioner Briefing |
3.5.14 |
Practitioner Briefing - Poverty |
3.6 |
Harmful Practices linked to Faith or Culture |
3.6.1 |
Forced Marriage |
3.6.2 |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse |
3.6.3 |
One Minute Guide So Called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse |
3.6.4 |
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) |
Updated |
3.6.5 |
One Minute Guide - FGM |
3.7 |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse |
3.7.1 |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour |
3.7.2 |
Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance |
3.7.3 |
Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment |
3.7.4 |
Working with Sexually Active Young People |
3.8 |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Exploitation |
3.8.1 |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care |
3.8.2 |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity |
3.8.3 |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance |
Updated |
Practitioner Briefing – Radicalisation |
3.8.4 |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation |
Updated |
3.8.5 |
Child Criminal Exploitation |
Updated |
3.8.6 |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation |
3.8.7 |
Contextual Safeguarding |
See also: Contextual Safeguarding Practitioner Briefing |
3.8.8 |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form |
3.8.9 |
Multi-Agency (MA) Information Submission Form Guidelines |
3.8.10 |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form Practitioner Briefing |
3.9 |
Safeguarding Children and Young People Online |
3.9.1 |
Young People who post Self-Taken Images: ACPO Guidance |
3.9.2 |
Guidelines for Assessing Children and Families Affected by Adults Viewing Child Sexual Abuse
Images |
3.9.3 |
Online Safety |
Updated |
3.9.4 |
Photography and Sharing Images Guidance |
See also:
3.10 |
Parents and Families |
3.10.1 |
Children of Parents with Mental Ill Health |
3.10.2 |
Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities |
3.10.3 |
Children Living within a Household where they are Exposed to or Experience Domestic Abuse may Suffer or are Likely to Suffer Significant Harm |
3.10.4 |
Working with Parents where Improved Outcomes for Children are not Achieved |
Fact Sheets:
See also: Professional Curiosity Guidance. |
3.10.5 |
Professional Curiosity |
3.10.6 |
Children of Parents who Misuse Substances |
3.10.7 |
Parental Conflict Guidance |
3.10.8 |
Pan Bedfordshire Engaging with Fathers, Male Partners or Carers Guidance |
See also: Think Dad! A father-inclusive toolkit for professionals |
3.10.9 |
New Partner Briefing |
3.10.10 |
New Invisible/Unseen Men Briefing |
3.10.11 |
Think Family Practitioner Briefing |
3.10.12 |
Multi Faith Guidance |
New |