
1. The Voice and Lived Experience of Children and Young People

1.1.1 Voice and Lived Experience of Children and Young People Guidance for Practitioners  
  Practitioner Briefing - The impact of Trauma New
1.1.2 Pan Bedfordshire Advice and Guidance for when Young People Raise an Issue  
1.1.3 Pan Bedfordshire Advocacy Guidance and Key Principles  
1.1.4 Voice of the Child Practitioner Briefing  



A Day in My Life Practice Guidance Tools

1.2.1 Day in My Life Briefing  
1.2.2 Day in My Life Guidance  
1.2.3 A Day in My Life: Baby  
1.2.4 A Day in My Life: Pre-school Child  
1.2.5 A Day in My Life: Primary Child  
1.2.6 A Day in My Life: Teenager  
1.2.7 Day in my Life Unborn Baby  
1.2.8 So What do we Know - What Next? Template  

2. Information Sharing

2.1 Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People  
2.2 Information Sharing  
2.3 Chronologies and Genograms Guidance  
  Practitioner Briefing - The importance of history to safeguard children and young people New
2.4 Pan Bedfordshire Multi-Agency Chronology Practice Guidance  
  Practitioner Briefing - The importance of history to safeguard children and young people New
2.5 Pan Bedfordshire Consent Guidance  
2.6 Consent Summary Guidance  
2.7 Consent Myth Buster  
2.8 Gillick and Fraser Guidelines - Practitioner Briefing  
2.9 Joint Working Protocol  

3. Assessing Need and Providing Help


Early Help

3.1.1 Early Help Assessment (EHA)  
3.1.2 Thresholds of Need New
3.1.3 Recognising Abuse and Neglect  
  See also: Early Intervention: Policy and Provision (House of Commons Library)  



Referral, Investigation and Assessment

  Bedford Single Assessment  
  Central Bedfordshire Child and Family Assessments  
  Luton Protocol for Single Assessments in Children's Social Care  
  Referrals from Family, Friends and Neighbours Briefing  

3.2.1 Assessment of a Parent/Carer as the Protective Parent  
3.2.2 Child Protection Enquiries Updated

See also:

3.2.3 Child Protection Conferences Procedure  
3.2.4 Child Protection Plans and Core Groups  
3.2.5 Action to be taken where a Child is Suffering or Likely to Suffer Significant Harm  
3.2.6 The East of England Region Children's Services Joint Protocol on Children Subject to Child Protection Plan Moving Between Local Authority Boundaries  
3.2.7 Child Protection Medical Assessments  
  See also: Request for Child Protection Medical Assessment Form  
3.2.8 Organised and Complex Abuse  
3.2.9 Non-Recent Abuse Allegations  
3.2.10 No Access Visits to Children and Young People  



People Posing a Risk to Children

3.3.1 People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure  
3.3.2 Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People  



Children in Specific Circumstances

3.4.1 Private Fostering Policy  
3.4.2 Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children: East of England Protocol  
3.4.3 Children Missing from Education  
3.4.4 Perplexing Presentations & Fabricated and Induced Illness / Disorders in Children  
3.4.5 Safeguarding Children in Faith Settings  
3.4.6 Visits to Prisons by Children  
3.4.7 Pre-Birth Assessment Procedures Updated
3.4.8 RSPCA, Social Care and Police Referral Protocol  
3.4.9 Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children Updated
3.4.10 Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Children 0-18 years Updated
3.4.11 Children Subject to Section 47 Enquires and Child Protection Plans when Travelling Abroad  
3.4.12 Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour  
3.4.13 Bullying  
3.4.14 Working with Interpreters and Others with Special Communication Skills  
3.4.15 Visits to Psychiatric Wards and Facilities  
3.4.16 Guidance on Children Not Brought to Appointments  
  See also: Children Not Brought to Appointments Briefing  
3.4.17 Concealed, Late and/or Denied Pregnancy  
3.4.18 Young Carers and Young Adult Carers  
3.4.19 Protocol for the Multi-Agency Response to Complex Case Presentations at Acute Hospitals  
3.4.20 Teenage Pregnancy Pathways  
3.4.21 Pan Beds Children who Misuse Substances New
3.4.22 Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance and One Page Summary  
3.4.23 Transitional Safeguarding  
  See also: Transitions Principles Briefing.  

Children and Young People aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Please see:

3.4.25 Disabled Children  
3.4.26 Legal Literacy Practitioner Briefing  
3.4.27 Becoming Culturally Competent - Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families Updated
3.4.28 Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children at School New
3.2.29 Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (APVA) New
  Child and Adult Violence Briefing New




  See: Neglect Briefings Collection  
3.5.1 Neglect  
3.5.2 Multi-Agency Practice Guidance for Recognising and Responding to Cases of Child Neglect  
3.5.3 Safeguarding Adults with Hoarding Behaviours Guidance for Practitioners and Managers  
3.5.4 Pan Bedfordshire Stop and Review Meetings Guidance  
  See also: Bedford Borough Council Complex Case Discussions  
3.5.5 Pan Bedfordshire Lead Practitioner Role  

See also:

3.5.6 Principles Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Practitioner Briefing  
3.5.7 Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Briefing  
3.5.8 Child Neglect Obesity Briefing  
3.5.9 Neglect and Children with a Disability - Briefing  
3.5.10 Neglect and Working with Large Families - Briefing  
3.5.11 Child Neglect Practitioner Briefing  
3.5.12 Oral Health and Neglect Practitioner Briefing  
3.5.13 Practitioner Briefing – Poverty New



Harmful Practices linked to Faith or Culture

3.6.1 Forced Marriage Updated
3.6.2 So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse Updated
3.6.3 One Minute Guide So Called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse  
3.6.4 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Updated
3.6.5 One Minute Guide - FGM  



Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse

3.7.1 Harmful Sexual Behaviour Updated
3.7.2 Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance  
3.7.3 Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment  
3.7.4 Working with Sexually Active Young People Updated



Safeguarding Children and Young People from Exploitation

3.8.1 Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care Updated
3.8.2 Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity Updated
3.8.3 Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance Updated
  Practitioner Briefing – Radicalisation New
3.8.4 Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation Updated
3.8.5 Child Criminal Exploitation Updated
3.8.6 Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation Updated
3.8.7 Contextual Safeguarding Updated
  See also: Contextual Safeguarding Practitioner Briefing Updated
3.8.8 Multi-Agency Information Submission Form  
3.8.9 Multi-Agency (MA) Information Submission Form Guidelines  
3.8.10 Multi-Agency Information Submission Form Practitioner Briefing  



Safeguarding Children and Young People Online

3.9.1 Young People who post Self-Taken Images: ACPO Guidance  
3.9.2 Guidelines for Assessing Children and Families Affected by Adults Viewing Child Sexual Abuse Images  
3.9.3 Online Safety  
3.9.4 Photography and Sharing Images Guidance  

See also:




Parents and Families

3.10.1 Children of Parents with Mental Ill Health  
3.10.2 Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities  
3.10.3 Children Living within a Household where they are Exposed to or Experience Domestic Abuse may Suffer or are Likely to Suffer Significant Harm New
3.10.4 Working with Parents where Improved Outcomes for Children are not Achieved  

Fact Sheets:

See also: Professional Curiosity Guidance.
3.10.5 Professional Curiosity  
3.10.6 Children of Parents who Misuse Substances  
3.10.7 Parental Conflict Guidance  
3.10.8 Pan Bedfordshire Engaging with Fathers, Male Partners or Carers Guidance  
  See also: Think Dad! A father-inclusive toolkit for professionals  
3.10.9 New Partner Briefing  
3.10.10 New Invisible/Unseen Men Briefing  
3.10.11 Think Family Practitioner Briefing  

4. Learning and Improvement Framework

  Click here to access the Learning from Local Area SCR'S  
4.1 Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews  

See also:

4.2 Learning and Improvement Framework - under review  

5. Child Deaths

5.1 Child Death Reviews  
5.2 Bedfordshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Policy and Guidance  

6. Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Organisational Responsibilities

6.1 Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements  
6.2 Agency Roles and Responsibilities Updated
6.3 Serious Violence Duty  
6.4 Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews  
6.5 Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers  
6.6 Complaints Arising from Child Protection Conferences  
6.7 Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work  

LSCP Websites:


7. Appendices

7.1 Local Contacts  
7.2 Nice Guidelines - 'When to suspect child maltreatment'  
7.3 Protecting children and young people - the responsibilities of all doctors'  
7.4 Amendments