November 2024
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | The Appendices have been updated. |
Information Sharing | This chapter has been revised in line with updated government guidance. |
Chronologies and Genograms Guidance | New guidance documents have been added. |
Thresholds of Need | The Thresholds of Need Guide Effective Support for Children and Families in Bedford Borough has been updated. |
Recognising Abuse and Neglect | Definitions have been updated in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Child Protection Enquiries - Section 47 Children Act 1989 | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Child Protection Conferences | This chapter has been updated with new guidance from Working Together to Safeguard Children around purpose and function of Child Protection Conferences and the role of the Lead Practitioner. |
Children and Families Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries | This chapter has been refreshed. |
Non-Recent Abuse Allegations | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Children Missing from Education | Advice for Professionals on identifying children missing education and signposting to Elective Home Education (EHE) has been updated. |
Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children | This chapter has been refreshed. |
Young Carers and Young Adult Carers | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | Section 7, NHS Data Sharing has been refreshed and updated. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | A link to BASW Age Assessment Practice Guidance has been added in Section 1.2.1, Age Assessment. A link to Operation Innerste Process: Caseworker Guidance has been added in Further Information. |
Child Criminal Exploitation | Minor amendments have been made to definitions in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Online Safety | This chapter has been updated in line with the Online Safety Act 2023. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | A link to Education Supply Chains - A Better Hiring Toolkit has been added. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Referrals | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Obesity | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Managing Concerns about Children and Young People where there are Medical and/or Complex Health Issues and Escalating Safeguarding Concerns | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Multi Faith Guidance | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
Next update: May 2025 |
May 2024
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | This chapter has been updated. |
Child Protection Enquiries | This chapter has been updated to reflect local guidance where required. |
Pan Bedfordshire Procedure and Guidance in Relation to Pre-Birth Planning and Assessments | A new Section 5.6, Safe Sleeping has been included. |
Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Children 0-18 years | This chapter has been updated. |
Becoming Culturally Competent - Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families | This chapter has been updated and new links added. |
Forced Marriage | This chapter has been revised in line with statutory guidance. |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | This chapter has been revised in line with statutory guidance. |
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | A new Section 8, Other Harmful Practices has been added. The Health and Care Act 2022 has made it illegal to carry out, offer or aid and abet virginity testing or hymenoplasty in any part of the UK. It is also illegal for UK nationals and residents to do these things outside the UK. Information has also been added on Breast Flattening which is an offence as set out in CPS So-Called Honour-Based Abuse Legal Guidance. |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour | This chapter has been refreshed and additional links have been added in Further Information. |
Working with Sexually Active Young People | This chapter has been updated. |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | This chapter has been revised where required. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | This chapter has been revised where required. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | This chapter has been amended to include information on Identifying Suspected Perpetrators of Modern Slavery in Section 2.3, Indicators. |
Child Criminal Exploitation | This chapter has been refreshed locally where required. |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been revised where required. |
Contextual Safeguarding | This chapter has been revised where required. |
Contextual Safeguarding Practitioner Briefing | This document has been updated. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | A new subsection on Principles has been added into Section 2, Serious Violence Duty, to include information from the Ofsted Framework Joint Targeted Area Inspections of the Multi-agency Response to Serious Youth Violence. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Practitioner Briefing - The impact of Trauma | This document has been added to the manual. |
Practitioner Briefing - The importance of history to safeguard children and young people | This document has been added to the manual. |
Thresholds of Need | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Pan Beds Children who Misuse Substances | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Safeguarding Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children at School | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (APVA) | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Child and Adult Violence Briefing | This document has been added to the manual. |
Practitioner Briefing – Poverty | This document has been added to the manual. |
Practitioner Briefing – Radicalisation | This document has been added to the manual. |
Children Living within a Household where they are Exposed to or Experience Domestic Abuse may Suffer or are Likely to Suffer Significant Harm | This document has been added to the manual. |
Domestic Abuse Disclosure Flowchart | This document has been added to the manual. |
November 2023
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Information Sharing | Information in relation to the Serious Violence Duty has been added into Section 5, National Guidance in Information Sharing. |
Recognising Abuse and Neglect | This chapter has been updated. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | This chapter has been updated. |
Pre-Birth Assessment Procedures | This chapter has been refreshed locally where required. |
Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment | This chapter has been updated. |
Working with Sexually Active Young People | This chapter has been updated and should be re-read. |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | The 'Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care' document has been updated. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | Information in relation to Serious Violence Reduction Orders has been added into Section 6, Support and Interventions. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | This chapter has been updated. Information in relation to the National Age Assessment Board has been added in to Section 1.2.1, Age Assessments. |
Online Safety | This chapter has been refreshed where necessary. |
Parental Conflict Guidance | This chapter has been revised. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been refreshed. Section 5.19, Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements has been updated to include information on the extension of the duty to co-operate under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. A link to 'Matters of Concern, Safeguarding Concerns, Allegations and Complaints for Children in Custody - Youth Custody Service (Youth Justice Resource Hub)' has been added into Section 5.9, The Secure Estate for Children. A new Section 2, Serious Violence Duty has also been added. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Joint Working Protocol | This protocol has been added to the manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
August 2023
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form | This document has been updated. |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form Practitioner Briefing | This document has been updated. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Multi-Agency (MA) Information Submission Form Guidelines | This document has been added. |
June 2023
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Oral Health and Neglect Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
May 2023
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | Updated documents have been added. |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | The Bedford Borough Thresholds of Need Guidance has been updated. |
Child Protection Enquiries | This chapter has been updated to reflect local guidance where required. |
People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure | This chapter has been updated. Section 2, The MAPPA Process has been updated to include information on the extension of the duty to co-operate under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | This chapter has been amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 3, The Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern has been added. |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Children 0-18 years | This chapter has been updated to reflect local guidance where required. |
Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour | The Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour Procedure has been updated and the Suicide Practitioner Briefing has been added. |
Teenage Pregnancy Pathways | The Bedford Borough Teenage Pregnancy Pathway and Bedford iCaSH Referral Form for Postnatal Clients have been updated. The Central Bedfordshire Support Pathway for Parents Under 20 has also been added. |
Forced Marriage | The Forced Marriage Procedure has been updated and the New Marriage Age Law 2022 Briefing Sheet LAWC has been added. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated. |
Child Criminal Exploitation | This chapter has been refreshed. |
Contextual Safeguarding | This chapter has been refreshed where required. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Voice of the Child Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Gillick and Fraser Guidelines - Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Transitions Principles Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Disabled Children | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Legal Literacy Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Becoming Culturally Competent - Effective Safeguarding of Children from Minority Ethnic, Cultural and Faith Communities, Groups and Families | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Neglect Screening Tool | This document has been added to the manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Neglect Screening Tool Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Principles Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Child Neglect Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Contextual Safeguarding Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Multi-Agency Information Submission Form | This form has been added to the manual. |
Think Dad! A father-inclusive toolkit for professional | This toolkit has been added to the manual. |
Think Family Practitioner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Notification Serious Incident | This document has been added to the manual. |
Pan Beds Initial Scoping, Info Sharing Template | This document has been added to the manual. |
Pan Beds Serious Non Stat Incident Notification Flowchart | This document has been added to the manual. |
November 2022
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | The Bedford Thresholds of Need Guide has been updated. |
The East of England Region Children's Services Joint Protocol on Children Subject to Child Protection Plan Moving Between Local Authority Boundaries | This protocol has been updated. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | This chapter has been updated as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22A to include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion. |
Visits to Prisons by Children | A link was added into Useful Guidance section to HMPPS Child Safeguarding Policy Framework. |
Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour | This chapter has been refreshed where required and updated to add information on Recognising Harmful Sexual Behaviour, and Support for Practitioners. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | A link has been added to CPS Guidance on Victims of Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Smuggling which aims to identify victims of modern slavery, human trafficking and smuggling at an earlier point in criminal investigations and before charging decisions are made by the CPS. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | A link has been added into Further Information to Guidance: Child Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (RCPCH). |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been updated as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22A to include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People Online | A new section has been added to the Scope Box with relevant information and resources for Children and Carers. |
Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities | This chapter has been refreshed in line with current case law and should be re-read. |
Children of Parents who Misuse Substances | A link has been added in Further Information to NICE Quality Standard QS 204 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. |
Bedfordshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Policy and Guidance | The Bedfordshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Policy and Guidance has been updated. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been updated as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 has extended the definition of Position of Trust within the Sexual Offences Act 2003 section 22Ato include anyone who coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs a child under 18, on a regular basis, in a sport or a religion. Links were also added to the HMPP Child Safeguarding Policy. |
Local Contacts | These details have been updated. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Day in My Life Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Referrals from Family, Friends and Neighbours Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Bedford Borough/Central Bedfordshire and Luton School/College Guidance Responding in the Event of a Young Person’s Suspected Suicide:
The following guidance has been added to the manual. |
Children Not Brought to Appointments Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Transitional Safeguarding | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Children and Young People aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:
The following guidance has been added to the manual. |
Bedford Borough Council Complex Case Discussions | This document has been added to the manual. |
Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Child Neglect Obesity Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Neglect and Children with a Disability – Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Neglect and Working with Large Families – Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Working with Parents where Improved Outcomes for Children are not Achieved | This chapter has been added to the manual and replaced a previous procedure. |
Professional Curiosity | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
New Partner Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
New Invisible/Unseen Men Briefing | This briefing has been added to the manual. |
July 2022
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People | The Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People has been updated. |
May 2022
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | The Pan Bedfordshire Multi Agency Disagreement and Escalation Procedure has been updated. |
Chronologies and Genograms Guidance | The 'Chronologies and Genograms Guidance' document has been updated and the 'Pan Bedfordshire Chronology Practice Guidance' document has been added. |
Child Protection Enquiries | This chapter has been updated to reflect local guidance where required. |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Babies and Children | Appendix 1: Pan Bedfordshire Pathway and Protocol Summary for Injuries in Immobile Babies and Children has been updated. |
Bullying | The definition of sexting has been expanded to include taking and distributing nude or semi-nude images. Information has been added on sexual harassment and violence following the Review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges (Ofsted) and Keeping Children Safe in Education has been added. |
Protocol for the Multi-Agency Response to Complex Case Presentations at Acute Hospitals | This protocol has been updated. |
Teenage Pregnancy Pathways | The Bedford Borough Teenage Pregnancy Pathway has been updated and should be re-read. |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour | This chapter has been amended to reflect the Review of Sexual Abuse in Schools and Colleges (Ofsted) and Keeping Children Safe in Education. See the Ofsted report in Further Information, together with Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (GOV.UK). |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | The 'Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care' document has been updated. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated to add a link to 'Guidance - Prevent Duty Self-Assessment Tool: Further Education'. |
Child Criminal Exploitation | This chapter has been amended to add a link to Tackling Child Exploitation: Resources Pack (Local Government Association) in Further Information. |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been amended to add a link to Tackling Child Exploitation: Resources Pack (Local Government Association) - see Further Information. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | The definition of sexting has been expanded to include taking and distributing nude or semi-nude images. The Further Information section has also been revised. |
Children of Parents who Misuse Substances | New documents: 'Pregnancy Leaflet' & 'Pregnancy Pathway' have been added and 'Working with Problematic use of Drugs or Alcohol within Families' has been updated - see Relevant Guidance. Also, a link has been added into Further Information to 'Guidance: Parents with Alcohol and Drug Problems: Support Resources (GOV.UK)'. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This procedure has been updated to reflect Public Health England has become the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. |
Local Contacts | These details have been updated. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Day in my Life Unborn Baby | This document has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Consent Guidance | This guidance has been added to the procedures manual. |
Consent Summary Guidance | This guidance has been added to the procedures manual. |
Consent Myth Buster | This document has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Stop and Review Meetings Guidance | This guidance has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Lead Practitioner Role | This document has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Beds Children who Misuse Substances | This document has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Children who Harm other Children Guidance and One Page Summary | This guidance has been added to the procedures manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Engaging with Fathers, Male Partners or Carers Guidance | This guidance has been added to the procedures manual. |
November 2021
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | This chapter has been updated. |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | The Pan Bedfordshire Thresholds of Need Principles has been added into Relevant Local Guidance. |
Child Protection Conferences Procedure | A note has been added into Section 1, The Initial Child Protection Conference to remind all practitioners of the importance of establishing the nationality and immigration status of children and families. This will ensure they can be signposted for immigration advice and support where required. Furthermore, if as EU / EEA nationals they have been granted pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme - it will ensure that they can be supported to apply for settled status when they accrue 5 years' continuous residence in the UK. |
Health Staff Professional Guidance on the Management of Perplexing Presentations (including Fabricated or Induced Illness) | This guidance has been updated. |
Perplexing Presentations & Fabricated and Induced Illness / Disorders in Children | Professional Guidance on the Management of Perplexing Presentations (including Fabricated or Induced Illness) has been added into Relevant Local Information. |
Procedure and Guidance in relation to Pre-Birth Planning and Assessments | This chapter has been updated. |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | A link has been added to the latest updated government Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy. |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour | A link has been added to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Between Children in Schools and Colleges. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | Information has been added on Knife Crime Prevention Orders. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | This chapter has been refreshed throughout. Information has been added on piloting devolving decision making for child victims of modern slavery and on Independent Child Trafficking Guardians (ICTG). Links to Further Information have been added and updated, and a link added to the Independent Child Trafficking Guardians Referral Form. In areas where the ICTG service has been implemented, if the first responder considers a child to be a potential victim of modern slavery, they should refer them to the ICTG service by completing the online referral form. Minor amendments have also been made to this chapter in line with the UK's exit from the EEA. |
Child Criminal Exploitation | Section 7, Local Response has been added. |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation | Section 5, Online Child Sexual Exploitation has been updated to reflect that, with effect from 29 June 2021, section 69 Domestic Abuse Act 2021 expanded so-called 'revenge porn' to include threats to disclose private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress. A link has also been added in Further Information to the NSPCC Report Remove Tool. The tool enables young people under the age of 18 to report a nude image or video of themselves which has appeared online. The Internet Watch Foundation will review these reports and work to remove any content which breaks the law. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People Online | This chapter has been updated. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | Section 1, Definition has been updated to reflect that, with effect from 29 June 2021, section 69 Domestic Abuse Act 2021 expanded so-called 'revenge porn' to include threats to disclose private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress. Links have also been added in Further Information to:
Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities | Section 3, Indicators of Concern has been updated to include information in relation to pre-birth assessments and planning. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | Section 4, People in Positions of Trust has been updated as a result of a revision to the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children. Policies for responding to allegations against a person who works with children must now cover situations where an individual has behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children. This is to capture concerns around transferable risk; for example where a person who works with children is involved in a domestic abuse incident at home and this may have implications for their suitability to work with children. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | This chapter has been updated to reflect legal changes following EU exit, including guidance on checking the past conduct of individuals who have lived or worked overseas. It was also updated as a result of the UK's exit from the European Union. Information was added on how employers can now check that an individual has the right to work in the UK during the recruitment process. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Pan Bedfordshire Advice and Guidance for when Young People Raise an Issue | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Advocacy Guidance and Key Principles | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
So What do we Know - What Next? Template | This template is designed to be used in conjunction with the age specific "day in my life" that frame the care needs of the following groups of children:
Day in My Life Guidance | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Pan Bedfordshire Thresholds of Need Principles | This document reflects the guidance in Working Together to Safeguard Children, which is the national framework setting out how services to safeguard and promote the welfare of children should operate and Keeping Children Safe in Education Keeping children safe in education. |
Multi-Agency Practice Guidance for Recognising and Responding to Cases of Child Neglect | This chapter was added as new and replaces the previous Pan Bedfordshire Neglect Procedure. |
Safeguarding Adults with Hoarding Behaviours Guidance for Practitioners and Managers | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Young Carers and Young Adult Carers | This chapter provides guidance on identifying and supporting young carers. |
Protocol for the Multi-Agency Response to Complex Case Presentations at Acute Hospitals | The following protocol has been developed as part of the Future In Mind Crisis workstream to support multi-agency practice in the management of young people admitted to local Acute General Hospitals due to experiencing (or suspected to be experiencing) emotional/mental health problems alongside other complex needs. |
Teenage Pregnancy Pathways | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
One Minute Guide Forced Marriage | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
One Minute Guide So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
One Minute Guide - FGM | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Contextual Safeguarding | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Guidelines for Assessing Children and Families Affected by Adults Viewing Child Sexual Abuse Images | This chapter has been developed to address the challenges posed by those using the internet and other information technologies to satisfy their sexual interest in children. It provides a framework for those working with families where a family member has accessed abusive materials. It also gives some guidance on the risks faced by children using the internet. |
July 2021
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Fabricated and Induced Illness / Disorders in Children | Professional Guidance on the Management of Perplexing Presentations (including Fabricated or Induced Illness) has been added into Relevant Local Information. |
May 2021
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | The definition of safeguarding has been updated to reflect the latest amendments to Working Together to Safeguard Children. A note has also been added to Section 3, Early Help highlighting that children with a parent or carer in custody may be benefit from Early Help provision. |
Information Sharing | This chapter has been fully reviewed and should be re-read throughout. |
Child Protection Enquiries | Section 4, Strategy Discussion/Meeting has been updated and should be re-read. |
Children Missing from Education | A link into Local Guidance has been added to Advice for professionals on identifying children missing education and signposting to Elective Home Education (EHE). |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter has been fully reviewed and should be re-read throughout. |
Visits to Prisons by Children | This chapter has been revised throughout in line with updated National Offender Management Service (NOMS) guidance on 'Providing Visits and Services to Visitors'. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated. |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Immobile Babies and Children | This chapter has been fully reviewed and should be re-read throughout. |
Visits to Psychiatric Wards and Facilities | This chapter has been refreshed throughout and terminology updated. Additional information has been added into Section 3, Visiting Patients in the High Security Psychiatric Services: Ashworth, Broadmoor and Rampton, in line with the High Security Psychiatric Services (Arrangements for Safety and Security) Directions 2019 and associated Guidance. |
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation | Relevant Guidance has been updated to signpost frontline professionals across Bedfordshire to a comprehensive series of guidance documents around violence and the exploitation of adults and children. |
Children of Parents with Mental Ill Health | Links in Section 6, Further Information have been updated. |
Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work | Further Information, was updated to include useful websites and guidance. |
Local Contact Details | These details have been updated. |
December 2020
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Early Help Assessment (EHA) | This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed where required. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | A link has been added in Related Guidance to County Lines Drug Supply, Vulnerability and Harm 2018 |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been updated with the addition of the Channel Escalation of Concern Procedure. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | A link has been added in Section 3, Further Information, to the statutory guidance Modern Slavery: how to identify and support victims 2020. This guidance replaces:
RSPCA, Social Care and Police Referral Protocol | This chapter has been updated. |
Bullying | This chapter has been updated with new links added to resources for addressing bullying linked to race/faith, and resources to help make schools, colleges or other settings LGBT inclusive. See Section 6, Further Information. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | In December 2020 this chapter was updated in the Related Guidance section to add Exploitation Practitioner Documents. |
Children of Parents who Misuse Substances | This chapter has been updated to add further resources in Section 6, Further Information. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | A link has been updated to Ofsted Guidance: Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills Settings. How effectively leaders and governors create a safeguarding culture in the setting. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Criminal Exploitation | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
June 2020
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | This chapter has been reviewed. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | Related Guidance has been reviewed and updated. |
May 2020
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Protection Conferences Procedure | This chapter has been reviewed and revised to reflect local guidance. |
Child Protection Plans and Core Groups | This chapter has been updated to reflect local guidance. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | This chapter has been reviewed. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | This chapter has been updated to take account of the new NRM digital referral form and the change to a Single Competent Authority (SCA). |
Protecting children and young people - the responsibilities of all doctors' | This guidance has been updated to reflect the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. |
Referral Process to Specialist Forensic Paediatric Service | This Referral Process replaces the previous Child & Young Person Pathway Acute (up to 3 weeks) and should be re-read. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Assessment of a Parent/Carer as the Protective Parent | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Referral and Request Police Attendance at Strategy Meeting | This form has been added to the manual. |
No Access Visits to Children and Young People | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Guidance on Children Not Brought to Appointments | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
Concealed, Late and/or Denied Pregnancy | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
March 2020
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | This chapter has been amended with revised guidance to Child Protection Medical Assessments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see the updated CPMA Pathway guidance, a revised Flowchart and Request for CPMA Form. |
Request for Child Protection Medical Assessment Form | This form has been updated. |
December 2019
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour | The Pan Bedfordshire guidance - 'What to do if you believe a child or young person might be at risk of suicide has been added. |
Bedfordshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Policy and Guidance 2019 | Bedfordshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Policy and Guidance 2019 has been updated. |
November 2019
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | This guidance has been reviewed and refreshed throughout as required to ensure consistency with terminology used in current DfE publications, including Working Together to Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education. |
Forced Marriage | This chapter has been updated to add a new section on Transition from Children's to Adults' Services. |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | A new section on Transition from Children's to Adults' Services has been added. |
Private Fostering Policy | Links have been added to the Private Fostering webpages for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire SCB and Luton Council. |
Children Missing from Education | This chapter has been updated with links to Local guidance (see Local Guidance section above), refreshed where required and updated to add a new Section 6, Elective Home Education to reflect the DfE updated guidance on Elective Home Education for local authorities. A further Section 7, Unregistered Schools has been added. |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter has been updated to add a new section on Transition from Children's to Adults' Services. |
Visits to Prisons by Children | This chapter has been substantially updated and should be re-read. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been substantially updated and should be re-read. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been reviewed and revised throughout. |
Working with Sexually Active Young People | This chapter has been substantially updated and should be re-read. |
Children of Parents with Mental Ill Health | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews | This resource has been added to reflect Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Local Contact Details | These details have been amended. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviour | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Bullying | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Working with Interpreters and Others with Special Communication Skills | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Visits to Psychiatric Wards and Facilities | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Child Death Reviews | This resource has been added to reflect Working Together to Safeguard Children and statutory guidance. |
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements | This link to chapter 3 of Working Together to Safeguard Children has been added to the manual. |
Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
June 2019
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | Information has been added regarding schools' responsibility to safeguard children in accordance with the latest DfE guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education. |
Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People | This document has been updated. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | This chapter has been updated. |
Female Genital Mutilation | A link has been added to the FGM Assessment Tool. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | This guidance has been reviewed and refreshed as required. In the further information section, a link has been added to the Catch 22 publication Social Media as a Catalyst and Trigger for Youth Violence. |
Children Visiting Prisons | This guidance has been reviewed and updated throughout to reflect the latest Prison Service publications covering the provision of visits, including visits to prisoners who are identified as posing a risk to children and additional guidance in Chapter 2, Working Together to Safeguard Children on the statutory duties which apply to the Prison Service to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. |
Injuries and Bruising Protocol for Children not Independently Mobile | This chapter has been fully reviewed and should be re-read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | Identifying and responding to Child Sexual Exploitation in Bedfordshire has been updated. |
Harmful Sexual Behaviour | This chapter has been updated and is currently under review. |
Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment | A definition has been added for Child Sexual Abuse within the family environment (also known as Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse) see Section 1, Definition. A model suggested by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse outlining some of the likely impacts of Child Sexual Abuse has been included in Section 2, Risk and Indicators. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been significantly updated to reflect Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | A link has been added to Statutory Guidance: Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Information Sharing | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Voice and Lived Experience of Children and Young People Guidance for Practitioners | This document has been added to the manual. |
Children Subject to Section 47 Enquires and Child Protection Plans when Travelling Abroad | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Hard to Engage Families: Working Effectively with Resistance, Hostility or Disguised Compliance | Amendments have been made throughout this chapter, and it should be re-read in its entirety. |
Parental Conflict Guidance | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
January 2019
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | This chapter has been updated to include the revised Multi-Agency Referral Pathway for Child Protection Medicals for children 0-18 years living in Bedford or Central Bedfordshire (Except South) and Child Abuse Medical Pathway. |
November 2018
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Child Protection Enquiries | This chapter has been revised to include Child Protection Medical Assessment Pathway. |
Child Protection Conferences Procedure | This chapter has been reviewed and updated following the introduction of the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. |
Organised and Complex Abuse | This chapter has been amended to reflect changes in the manner and extent of Child Protection responses to organised and complex abuse. |
People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure | This chapter has been updated including an updated link to the MAPPA Guidance. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | The LADO practice guidance has been added to this procedure. |
Children from Abroad, including Victims of Modern Slavery, Trafficking and Exploitation | This chapter has been amended to reflect and include local resources for those affected by modern slavery |
Neglect | This chapter has been revised and updated to capture the requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | This chapter was amended to include Multi-Agency Information Submission Form Guidelines and submission form. |
Children of Parents with Learning Disabilities | This chapter has been revised throughout in line with case-law and updated good practice guidance. |
Serious Case Reviews | This chapter has been linked linked to Working Together to Safeguard Children and therefore has been significantly amended and should be fully re read. |
Escalation Procedures | The chapter has been updated to reflect and capture the revised escalation process. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Safeguarding Children and Young People Online | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
April 2018
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | A link has been added to the NSPCC Core Information Leaflets on aspects of Physical Child Abuse on the RCPCH website. This series of resources details aspects of physical child abuse and will be of use to a wide range of professionals in different disciplines who work with young people and their families. |
Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People | A note has been added with regards to NHS - CPIS (Child Protection Information Sharing). |
The East Of England Region Children's Services Joint Protocol on Children Subject to Child Protection Plan Moving Between Local Authority Boundaries | This chapter has been extensively updated and replaces the previous chapter entitled Children Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries |
Trafficking of Children and Adults through Bedfordshire (including London Luton Airport) | This chapter has been extensively updated and replaces the previous chapter entitled Safeguarding Children who May have Been Trafficked. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | This chapter has been updated to include a link to the Home Office publication Criminal Exploitation of Children and Vulnerable Adults: County Lines. Information has also been added throughout to describe how organised criminal groups exploit young people and use them to distribute money and illegal drugs along 'county lines'. |
Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children | This chapter has been reviewed and updated. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation Procedure has been updated and should be read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation | The Further Information section has been revised and updated with a link to the Centre of expertise on Child Sexual Abuse – Key messages from research on child sexual exploitation. A further link has been added to Child sexual exploitation: Practice Tool (2017) (open access) - further background information about child sexual exploitation and additional commentary around some of the complexities of practically responding to the issue. |
Safeguarding Children abused through Domestic Abuse Practice Guidance | This guidance has been updated. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Modern Slavery (including the Exploitation of Children) | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
October 2017
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People | An updated Pan Bedfordshire Practitioner's Guide to Information Sharing to Safeguard Children and Young People has been added. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | Changes have been made to this chapter including updated versions of, Multi-Agency Referral Pathway for Child Protection Medicals for children 0-18 years living in Bedford or Central Bedfordshire (Except South) and Child Abuse Medical Pathway. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments: Luton and South Central Bedfordshire Protocol | An updated version of Appendix 2: Multi-Agency Referral Pathway for Child Protection Medicals for children 0-18 years living in Luton or Central Bedfordshire (South) has been added and an addition of Appendix 4: Child Protection Medical Assessments (Physical/Neglect Concern) Pathway. |
Historical Abuse Allegations | Section 2, Response has been updated to include a Section 47 Enquiry should be initiated if the alleged perpetrator is known currently to be caring for, or has access to children (and may require making the necessary referral to the area where the alleged perpetrator is now known to live or referred to LADO if it is suspected that they may have access to children in a professional capacity). |
Child Protection Plans and Core Groups | A link has been added to Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board (BBSCB) Guidance for Core Groups - Practice Guidance Leaflet. |
Forced Marriage | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | An updated version of Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care has been added. |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter has been updated with information about the four types of FGM as defined by WHO. Links have been added to both the new Home Office FGM protection orders factsheet; and to the guidance to the 'Statement opposing female genital mutilation' (often referred to as a health passport). |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | This chapter has been updated to include a link to the Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines (GOV.UK). Further text has been added to Section 2, Definition of a Gang to define the use of 'county lines' by organised criminal groups. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | This chapter has been updated and now includes information on the recently introduced 'outcome 21'. Where young people are voluntarily sending/sharing sexual images or content with one another the police may use this new recording code to record that a crime has been committed but that it is not considered to be in the public interest to take criminal action against the people involved. This chapter also links to LawStuff which is run by Coram Children's Legal Centre and gives free legal information to young people on a range of different issues. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | The Model Flowchart for referral of Children and Young People for Concerns of Radicalisation in Children's Services in Section 3, Referral and Intervention Processes has been updated. |
Safeguarding Children from Dangerous Dogs: Practitioner Guidance | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Working with Problematic use of Drugs or Alcohol within Families | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Luton Child Death Overview Panel Processes and Procedures | A link has been added to, Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy and Childhood - Multi-agency Guidelines for Care and Investigation (Royal College of Pathologists, endorsed by The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) in the Related Information section. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | Updated links have been added to Section 4.12, Early Years and Childcare with regards to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) and a link to Ofsted Guidance: Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills Settings (2016) has been added which states during term time, or when the setting is in operation, the designated safeguarding lead or an appropriately trained deputy should be available during opening hours for staff to discuss safeguarding concerns. |
Local Contact Details | This chapter has been amended. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Bruising Protocol for Immobile Babies and Children | Unexplained bruising (or bruising without an acceptable explanation) in a child not independently mobile must always raise suspicion of maltreatment and should result in an immediate Referral to Children's Social Care Services and an urgent paediatric opinion. This chapter deals with the process and involving parents or carers. |
Photographing Children | This chapter provides guidance and covers the legal position and looked after children being photographed. |
Removed Chapters | |
April 2017
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | This chapter has been updated including the addition of a new Section 12, Non-recent / Historical Abuse. |
People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure | This chapter has been updated including an updated link to the MAPPA Guidance. |
Child Protection Conferences Procedure | This chapter has been updated. Section 3.4, Information for the Conference has been updated to reflect that it should be organised using the Strengthening Families headings and all professionals should use the Strengthening Families Report to Conference format or the Agency Report Conference checklist. Social Workers must use the Report to Conference Template. It now covers Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. |
Safeguarding Children who may have been Trafficked | A link has been added to Modern Slavery: Duty to Notify (Home Office 2016) which provides factsheets and posters that explain what you need to do if you think someone has been a victim of modern slavery. |
Children Missing from Education | This chapter has been amended to encompass the updated statutory guidance 'Children Missing Education' (DfE, September 2016). Section 1, Definition and Overview has been expanded to include an overview as well as the definition. Section 2, Risks, has been updated to include some specific groups of children who are vulnerable. Section 3, Indicators, has been expanded to reflect the duties and requirements of schools and LAs. Links have been updated in the whole chapter. |
Fabricated and Induced Illness / Disorders in Children | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People from Child Sexual Exploitation | Section 1, Introduction has been updated to take account of the change of definition in: Child Sexual Exploitation: Definition and Guide for Practitioners (DfE February 2017). |
Neglect Practice Guidance | This chapter previously called, Safeguarding Children and Young People from Neglect has been extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been extensively updated including the addition of Section 5, Organisations without Statutory Duties. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Procedure and Guidance in relation to Pre-Birth Planning and Assessments | This guidance is for managers and practitioners involved in work with families prior to the birth of a child where there are indications of identified needs / risk. |
Removed Chapters | |
November 2016
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | An updated Management of Bruises, Bites and Suspicious or Unexplained Marks on Children has been added and a new Section 13, Schools and Educational Establishments has also been included. |
Management of Bruise, Bite And Suspicious/Unexplained Mark In Children | This chapter has been updated. |
Children who Move Across Local Authority Boundaries | This chapter has been updated including the addition of a new sub section Moving Abroad. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | An updated version of Process for Child Protection Medicals in Bedfordshire (excluding Luton) has been added. Bedfordshire and Luton - Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse, Child & Young Person Pathway Acute (up to 3 weeks) has been added. |
Allegations and Concerns regarding Staff, Carers and Volunteers Working with Children and Young People | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Forced Marriage | Section 10, First Contact: Imminent Travel Overseas has been updated to reflect that if the person is a foreign or dual national then they can travel within Europe with their national ID card and the same guidance applies as per passports. Appendix 1: Local and National Contacts has also been updated. |
Private Fostering Policy | Section 2, Policy Statement has been updated to reflect that the responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of privately fostered child in Luton is the responsibility of two teams: Rapid Intervention and Assessment Team (soon to be known as Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub from January 2017) and the Fostering team. In Central Bedfordshire the statutory duties for privately fostered children are fulfilled by the Family Support Service and in Bedford Borough Council the responsibility is handled by the Fostering Team. |
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children: East of England Protocol | This chapter has been updated. |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter has been extensively updated including the addition of a link to Female Genital Mutilation Risk and Safeguarding – Guidance for Professionals (DoH). |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | Links to Statutory Guidance Injunctions to Prevent Gang-Related Violence and Gang-Related Drug Dealing, (Home Office) and Injunctions to Prevent Gang-Related Violence and Gang-Related Drug Dealing A Practitioners' Guide Revised Guidance May 2016 have been updated in the Related Guidance section. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | A link has been added to Child Online Safety, a practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media in the Related Information section. |
Children Visiting Prisons | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | A link has been added to Working with Adults and Children who are Vulnerable to Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Central Bedfordshire in the Related Local Guidance section. Section 3, Referral and Intervention Processes has been updated to reflect that reporting online material, which promotes extremism such as illegal or harmful pictures or videos, can be done through GOV.UK, Report online material promoting terrorism or extremism. Although professionals should follow the Referral procedures, non professionals may make a report anonymously. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | Pan Bedfordshire Child Sexual Exploitation Risk Identification Tool, Pan-Bedfordshire Child Sexual Exploitation Group (Cseg) and Guidance For Practitioners have been updated. The Intelligence Sharing Form has been added. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments: Luton and South Central Bedfordshire Protocol | This chapter has been updated. |
Complaints Arising from Child Protection Conferences | Section 4, Outcomes of the Complaint - information has been added with regards to all families should be made aware and reminded of this procedure at Child Protection Conferences. |
Local Contact Details | This chapter has been amended. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
So Called 'Honour' Based Abuse | This chapter contains information to help practitioners from all agencies to recognise and respond to Honour Based Abuse. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments: Bedfordshire Protocol | The areas covered by this protocol are: Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Borough Council. Due to geographical considerations, some Bedfordshire children will need to be assessed by the paediatricians in Luton. Local Authorities who need this service from Luton will need to consult the Luton Child Protection Medical Policy. This does not cover acute sexual abuse/assault cases where forensic sampling is needed nor cases of historic sexual abuse. For this please refer to the SARC protocol. |
Removed Chapters | |
September 2016
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | Section 3, Referral and Intervention Processes has been updated to reflect protecting children from the risk of radicalisation should be seen as part of organisations' wider safeguarding duties, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other forms of harm and abuse. Staff should use their professional judgement in identifying children who might be at risk of radicalisation and act proportionately, which may include making a referral to the Channel programme or a referral to early help. Information has also been added with regards to as set out in the flowchart, the named or designated professional may discuss any such concerns with the local police if, after proper assessment of the concerns raised, the named or designated professional considers further action is required. |
May 2016
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Early Help Assessment (EHA) | Section 6, How Can I get Training and Support? A link has been added to Central Bedfordshire Early Help Information. |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | An updated Management of Bruises, Bites and Suspicious or Unexplained Marks on Children has been added and a link to Central Bedfordshire Assessment and Threshold Guidance. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments: Luton and South Central Bedfordshire Protocol | Appendix 2: Multi-Agency Referral Pathway for Child Protection Medicals for children 0-18 years living in Luton or Central Bedfordshire (South) has been updated. |
Guidance for Practitioners Completing Chronologies and Genograms | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. It replaces the former chapter entitled Chronologies: Practice Guidance. |
Female Genital Mutilation | A link has been added to the Pan Bedfordshire Practice Guidance for practitioners on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a new Appendix 1, Pan Bedfordshire FGM Pathways and Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation 2016. |
Safeguarding Children Vulnerable to Gang Activity | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be read throughout. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | This guidance has been updated to include information on 'sexting' and young people's use of technology to share indecent images or videos they have taken of themselves. Children and young people should be warned about the risks of taking sexually explicit pictures of themselves and sharing them on the internet or by text. The Serious Crime Act (2015) introduced an offence of 'sexual communication with a child'. This applies to an adult, who communicates with a child and where the communication is sexual or, if it is intended to elicit from the child a communication, which is sexual and the adult reasonably believes the child to be under 16 years of age. The Act also amended the Sex Offences Act 2003 so it is now an offence for an adult to arrange to meet with someone under 16 having communicated with them on just one occasion, previously it has been on at least two occasions. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | A link has been added to Educate Against Hate website. |
Children and Young People with Harmful Sexual Behaviours | Additional guidance has been added to this chapter - Sexually Harmful Behaviours Pathway - Flowchart. |
Serious Case Reviews | A link has been added to Bedford Safeguarding Children Board - Learning and Improvement Framework and the Local Commissioning of Serious Case Reviews - Support for Independent Chairs of Safeguarding Children Boards and Serious Case Review/Serious Incident Notification Panels/Sub Groups. |
Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Luton Child Death Overview Panel Processes and Procedures | The Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Luton Child Death Overview Panel Processes and Procedures has been updated. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | A link has been added to Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers – Safer Recruitment Consortium. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Children Missing from Education | This chapter deals with the definition, risks and action to be taken when a child is missing from education. |
Guidance for Professionals Working with Sexually Active Young People under the age of 18 in Bedford Borough Central Bedfordshire and Luton (Including Risk Assessment) | The guidance provides a framework for assessing the risk of significant harm to sexually active young people and is designed to guide the response of all professionals who have a responsibility for children within the statutory, private or voluntary sector within Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton who come into contact with children and young people under the age of 18 who are sexually active in a relationship that appears consensual. |
Children of Parents with Mental Health Problems | National Serious Case Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews have identified domestic abuse, parental mental ill health and drug and alcohol misuse as significant factors in families where children have died or been seriously harmed. This chapter deals with the definition, risks and action to be taken when a child has suffered, or is likely to suffer Significant Harm or whose well-being is affected by parental mental illness. |
Children of Parents with Learning Difficulties | This chapter deals with the definition, risks and action to be taken when a child of a parent with learning disabilities appears not to be able to meet her/his child's needs. |
Children of Parents who Misuse Substances | National Serious Case Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews have identified domestic abuse, parental mental ill health and drug and alcohol misuse as significant factors in families where children have died or been seriously harmed. This chapter deals with the definition, risks and action to be taken when a child has suffered, or is likely to suffer Significant Harm or whose well-being is affected by parental misuse of substances. |
Removed Chapters | |
March 2016 - minor amendment to December 2015 publication
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Children and Young People with Harmful Sexual Behaviours | This document replaces the previous guidance - Distinguishing between Healthy and Abusive Sexual Behaviours in Children and Young People: Practice Guidance and Procedures. |
Underage Sexual Activity | This chapter replaces the previous guidance - Working with Sexually Active Children and Young People: Protocol and Guidance. |
December 2015
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Early Help Assessment (CAF) | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Information Sharing Protocol | This chapter has been updated. |
Forced Marriage | Appendix 1: Local and National Contacts has been updated. |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
Safeguarding Individuals Against Radicalisation or Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
RSPCA, Social Care and Police Referral Protocol | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
Safeguarding Children from Dangerous Dogs: Practitioner Guidance | This guidance has been adopted by Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough Council. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | The Related Guidance and Information section has been added. |
Core Groups - Practice Guidance Leaflet (Bedford Borough only) | This guidance has been updated. |
Safeguarding Children and Young People From Neglect | This guidance has been updated. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Pre-Birth Child Protection Procedure | A link has been added to this chapter in the Bedford Borough Children's Services Procedures Manual. |
Removed Chapters | |
June 2015
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Escalation Procedures | A link has been added to Raising Concerns at Work: Whistleblowing Guidance for Workers and employers in Health and Social Care (2014). |
Safeguarding Children who may have been Trafficked | This chapter has been amended in line with Care of Unaccompanied and Trafficked Children: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on the Care of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking and Trafficked Children (2014). It should be re-read in its entirety. |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | A link has been added to The International Child Abduction and Contact Unit. |
Female Genital Mutilation | A link has been added to the Female Genital Mutilation Resource Pack - GOV.UK. |
Safeguarding Children in Faith Settings | A link has been added to the Safe Network - Multi-faith Safeguarding Hub in Related Information. |
Working with Problematic use of Drugs or Alcohol within Families | A link has been added to the Postnatal Care NICE Clinical Guideline 37 in Related Information. |
Agency Roles and Responsibilities | This chapter has been updated to take account of the changes in Working Together to Safeguard Children. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | This chapter has been extensively updated and should be re-read throughout. |
Local Contact Details | This chapter has been amended. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Neglect | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
Learning from Local Area SCR'S | This chapter has been added to the manual. |
December 2014
Updated Chapters | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Common Assessment Framework / Early Help | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Children who Move Across Local Authority Boundaries | This chapter deals with children and their families where they may move to another local authority area, the process of assessing the impact of the change in circumstances on the child/children. It has been extensively updated and should be re-read in its entirety. |
Child Protection Medical Assessments | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Child Protection Conferences | This chapter has been significantly revised and should be re-read in full. |
Safeguarding Children who Run Away and Go Missing from Home and Care | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Fabricated and Induced Illness/Disorders in Children | Section 11.5 has been amended with regard to contact details for the National Crime Agency. |
Abuse Linked to Spiritual and Cultural Beliefs/Faith Groups | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Supporting Individuals Vulnerable to Violent Extremism: Practice Guidance | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Safeguarding Children from Child Sexual Exploitation | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Working with Vulnerable families where one or both parents have Mental Health Problem: Joint Agency Protocol | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Safeguarding Children abused through Domestic Abuse | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Joint Guidance for Working with Families in which the Problematic Use of Drugs or Alcohol is an Issue | This chapter has been significantly amended throughout and should be re-read in full. |
Archiving Child Protection Records: Practice Guidance | Section 5, Additional information for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton schools / educational establishments has been added. |
New Chapters and Features | |
Chapter Name | Details |
Responding to Abuse and Neglect | This chapter gives an overview of the concept of significant harm, early help, definitions of abuse and making a referral. It replaces the previous chapter Recognising and Responding to Concerns about the Welfare of a Child. |
Bedford Single Assessment Bedfordshire Child and Family Assessments Luton Protocol for Single Assessments in Children's Social Care |
Links have been included to the Single Assessment process for each area. |
Child Protection Enquiries | This chapter provides the steps for how to undertake a Strategy Discussion / meeting and how to conduct Section 47 Enquires and replaces the previous chapter Action to be taken where a Child is Suffering or Likely to Suffer Harm. |
Organised and Complex Abuse | This chapter provides a procedure for agencies about the investigation of complex and organised abuse and information about what action they should take if they suspect such abuse. |
Historical Abuse Allegations | This chapter deals with the significance and response to historical abuse. |
Female Genital Mutilation | This chapter deals with the definition, the law and action and protection. |
E-Safety: Children Exposed to Abuse through the Digital Media | This chapter deals with the definition, risks and action to be taken. |
Children Visiting Custodial Settings | This chapter sets out the procedures for managing risks and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young people, who may be visiting or having contact with adults or other young people who are in a custodial setting. |
Working with Hostile, Non-Compliant Clients and those who use Disguised Compliance | This chapter replaces Understanding and Responding to Uncooperative and Confrontational Families. |
Procedure for Children that have a Dual Status (Bedford Borough Council) | This deals with the process of assessment for the discontinuation of a Child Protection Plan when child is subject to both a Child Protection Plan and Child Looked After. |
Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Board 'Safeguarding Children and Young People From Neglect' | This guidance has been produced because it is recognised that neglect is a complex and multifaceted issue, which can often be difficult for professionals to address effectively. |
Flow Chart for Seeking Specialist Medical Opinion in Cases of Child Abuse & Neglect (Except Acute Sexual Abuse) | This flowchart has been added to the manual. |
Guidance for Safe Recruitment, Selection and Retention for Staff and Volunteers | This guidance applies to all adults who have contact with children, young people and Adults at Risk through their work whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. It applies to permanent, temporary and agency staff and to those recruited from overseas. It also applies to staff who do not have direct responsibility for children, but who will have contact with children within the organisation and will be seen as safe and trustworthy and/or have access to confidential and sensitive information e.g. administrative staff, receptionists, caretakers, maintenance workers. |
People Posing a Risk to Children - Guidance and Procedure | This guidance has been added to the manual. |
LSCB websites:
Links have been added to access the websites. |
Learning and Improvement Framework | Links have been added to all areas frameworks. |