Local Contacts


These details were updated in November 2022.


1. Bedford Borough, Luton Borough and Central Bedfordshire Contacts

  1. Adult Social Care Duty Desk
  2. Asian's Women's Refuge
  3. Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Partnership
  4. Bedford Hospital
  5. Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership
  6. Bedfordshire Police
  7. Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
  8. Children's Missing & Exploitation Coordinator
  9. Children Missing Education Coordinator
  10. Children's Social Care
  11. Child Protection Medical Assessments
  12. Designated Office for Safeguarding Children & Young People
  13. Drug and Alcohol Services for the Community
  14. Emergency
  15. Fostering and Adoption
  16. Housing
  17. LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
  18. Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership and Luton Safeguarding Adult Board
  19. Luton & Dunstable Hospital
  20. Luton Women's Aid
  21. Luton All Women's Centre
  22. NSPCC
  23. Samaritans
  24. Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
  25. Victim Support

Adult Social Care Duty Desk

Bedford Borough Council Adult Social Care: 01234 267 222

Central Borough Council Adult Social Care: 0300 300 8122

Luton Borough Council Adult Social Care: 01582 547 624

Out of hours emergencies: 0300 300 8123

Asian's Women's Refuge
Tel: 01234 261 228
Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Partnership

To contact Bedford Borough Safeguarding Children Partnership, please email LSCB@bedford.gov.uk.

Bedford Hospital


Tel: 01234 355 122

Riverbank Ward

Tel: 01234 355 122 - ext. 5754

Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Paediatric Matron

Tel: 01234 355122 - ext. 5749

Named Doctor

Tel: 01234 792 061

Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership Website
Email: bdap@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Bedfordshire Police

In an emergency Tel: 999

For non-emergency Tel: 101 then ask for whichever team you need.

Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
To contact Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, please email cbscb@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or telephone 0300 300 6455.

Children’s Missing & Exploitation Coordinator

Bedford Borough - TBC - Contact the Integrated Front Door

Central Bedfordshire:

Tel: 0300 300 5791 or
Email: mia.tomlinson2@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Luton - TBC - Contact the MASH

Children Missing Education Coordinator

Bedford Borough Council: 01234 228178 (direct line)
Email: CME@bedford.gov.uk

Click here for Further information.

Central Bedfordshire Council: 0300 300 6479/0300 300 6220

Luton Council: 01582 548180 or E-mail: cme@luton.gov.uk

Children's Social Care

Bedford Borough

Integrated Front Door (IFD)

Tel: 01234 718 700

Referral Portal: llchildandfamilies.bedford.gov.uk

Central Bedfordshire Council

Access and Referral Team

Tel: 0300 300 8585

E-mail: AccessReferral@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Luton Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH)
Tel: 01582 547 653
E-mail: MASH@luton.gov.uk

Pan Bedfordshire Emergency Duty Team (out of hours) Tel: 0300 300 8123

Child Protection Medical Assessments

Referral to Community Paediatric Services

Physical abuse > 2 years of age


Edwin Lobo Centre
Redgrave Gardens

Tel: 0300 555 0606
Email: edwinlobocomms.S1@nhs.net


Child Development Centre
Hill Rise Kempston,
MK42 7EB

Tel: 0300 555 0606
Email: ccs.beds.childrens.cdc.admin@nhs.net

Union Street Clinic
Union Street
MK40 2SF

Tel: 0300 555 0606
Email: ccs.paediatricadminteam-unionstreet@nhs.net

Referral to Hospital Paediatrics

Physical abuse of children < 2 years of age

ALL Out of Hours referrals (normal weekdays after 17:00 - weekends and public/bank holidays.

South Bedfordshire

Luton & Dunstable Hospital,
Lewsey Road,

Tel: 01582 497023 / 718298
Email: ldh-tr.luton.cpdmeds@nhs.net

North Bedfordshire

Bedford Hospital,
Kempston Road,
MK42 9DJ

Tel: 01234 355122 and ask for the on-call Consultant Paediatrician who will provide a secure email address as this will be dependence upon who is on duty.

Important notice:
  • All concerns involving sexual abuse please discuss directly with SARC without delay at the Emerald Centre on 0330 223 0099;
  • Children should not be taken to the hospital Emergency Unit or Community Paediatric setting without prior arrangements unless the child requires immediate medical attention.
Designated Office for Safeguarding Children & Young People

BLMK Health and Care Partnership

3rd Floor
Arndale House
The Mall

Tel: 0800 148 8890

Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough

  • Dr Wendy Kuriyan – Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children and Young People – w.kuriyan@nhs.net;
  • Helena Hughes – Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Young People (job share) – Helena.hughes2@nhs.net;
  • Deborah Spencer – Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Young People (job share) – deborahspencer1@nhs.net;
  • Named GP - tbc.


  • Dr Mohammed Hassan – Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children and Young People – mohammed.hassan@nhs.net;
  • Fiona Simmons – Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Young People – fsimmons@nhs.net;
  • Named GP – tbc.

Safeguarding Administration for Beds and Luton

Drug and Alcohol Services for the Community

Path to Recovery (P2R) Drug and Alcohol Service for Bedford Borough
21 The Crescent,
MK40 2RT

Tel: 0333 332 4019

Path to Recovery (P2R) Drug and Alcohol Service for Central Bedfordshire

67 High Street North,

Tel: 0333 3324019

Change, Grow, Live ResoLUTiONs

2-12 Victoria Street,

Tel: 0800 0546 603

Tel: 999
Fostering and Adoption

Bedford Borough:
Adoption tel: 01234 718718 or email adoptionandfostering@bedford.gov.uk to find out more about adoption.

You can also contact them via our adoption enquiry form.

Fostering find out more via their fostering enquiry form.

Alternatively, phone on 01234 718718 or email adoptionandfostering@bedford.gov.uk.

Download the fostering information pack (PDF).

Central Bedfordshire:
Tel: 0300 300 8181
Email: fostering@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Luton Borough:
Tel: 01582 547 569 (Fostering)
Tel: 01582 547 804
Email: adoptions@luton.gov.uk


Bedford Borough Housing: 01234 718 058

Central Bedfordshire Council: 0300 300 577

Luton Borough Council: 01582 546 000

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

Bedford Borough:

Tel: 01234 276 693

Secure E-mail: Lado@bedford.gov.uk

Central Bedfordshire:

Tel: 0300 300 8142

Secure E-mail: LADO@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk


Tel: 01582 548 069

Secure E-mail: LADO@luton.gov.uk

Luton Safeguarding Children Partnership and Luton Safeguarding Adult Board

Email: Lutonlscb@luton.gov.uk and

Tel: 01582 547624

Luton & Dunstable Hospital


Luton and Dunstable Hospital
Lewsey Road

Switchboard Tel: 0845 127 0127

Named Doctor Tel: 01582 718 027/5

Named Nurse Tel: 01582 718 298

Named Midwife Tel: 0845 127 0127 Bleep 387 

Midwifery Managers Tel: 0845 127 0127 Beep 051
Luton Women's Aid
National number: 0808 2000 247
Luton All Women's Centre

The Spires
Suite 2
Adelaide Street

Tel: 01582 416 783
Email: support@lawc.org.uk


National number: 0808 8005 000

Contact Us


Call 116 123 free from any phone

0300 094 5717 (local call charges)
Suite 3G- West One
Bromham Rd,
Bedford MK40 2FG

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust

Beds & Luton Children’s Health Hub General Enquiries

Email: ccs.bedsandlutonchildrenshealthhub@nhs.net
Tel: 0300 555 0606

Victim Support

Bedfordshire - Victim Support

Tel: 08801689111

Live Chat

Violence & Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) | Bedfordshire

Email: veru@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)